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The Story of Sujanian Ekshita Rana

The Story of Sujanian Ekshita Rana

The Story of Sujanian & Don’t Give Up Member

Ekshita Rana :

From a Confused  Zoology Honors to the …

Youngest Cadet to pass out of O.T.A

( Indian Armed Forces )!!

The Story of Sujanian Ekshita Rana  From Zoology Honors to the Youngest cadet to pass out of OTA

Guidance from the founder of Don’t Give Up World 

A few years back Ekshita Rana approached Dont Give Up World Founder & Fellow Sujanian Arun Pandit regarding guidance about her future …. She was pursuing Zoology Honors  … was confused about her future … She certainly knew her heart was not into it  …  was searching for her calling in life … (The Story of Sujanian Ekshita Rana)

And now a year later her world has totally changed !

She cleared CDS and SSB to join OTA .

Youngest Cadet Officer to pass out of the OTA

Today she is the Youngest Cadet Officer to pass out of the OTA .

Don’t Give Up World is inspired by her achievement and struggle !!

We are proud of you Ekshita !!

In her own words  :

” Yes I m the youngest officer cadet  to pass out of OTA ….. .

It all started with the joining letter which said YES YOU HAVE IT IN YOU…..

My journey began much before when I thought of giving it a chance while I was pursuing my graduation and was in 2nd year…..

One fine day I filled the online form for CDS written exam and  took the exam…

It was comparatively easy and boosted up my morale …

I never  knew that I would make it in the first attempt only…

I was not sure about the results so never checked it… but in my 3rd year wen I was giving my final exams ( final year)

A letter came to my Department of zoology…. It was my S.S.B call letter… I was stunned and left shocked …

Adding to it the date mentioned was 3 days after my last exam…

My mother was the first person I shared this shockingly pleasant news with…

Later on everyone in family got to know this but no one else except my mother believed in me and supported me….

To the extent that she came all the way to Allahabad for my SSB …

Stayed all alone for all the days my SSB and medical  continued…..

It was indeed her presence and prayers which paid and I made it through everything…

The merit list was awaited… Which again came as an unexpected surprise 30 days prior to the expected date….

Finally I joined my ALMA MATTER OFFICERS TRAINING ACADEMY on 5th Oct,2014…

These 49 weeks… Brought huge changes in me which I can’t possibly describe in words…

This journey of a girl to a lady cadet and now a Y.L.O (Young Lady Officer) is perhaps full of surprises

It may seems like a serendipity/ causality to you but yes it surely is a story of changes , belief , trust, hard work and my stars …. Which I don’t know got so lucky that 2 of them finally fell on these shoulders of mine….

13 th Sept,2014 Passing out parade when I walked out of my academy crossing the ‘Antim pag’ and the smiles I witnessed on my parents faces and  those tears… Where the best moments of my life …

I am grateful to God to all those who believed in me and stood by me all this while and before…. “

  • Ekshita Rana

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Written by Arun Pandit

The administrator and Founder of website & Community.


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