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The intangible effects for walls

The intangible effects for walls

The intangible effects for walls by Alexandra Auer.

About Alexandra Auer: Auer studied Industrial Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. She is currently pursuing her Master at the Academy of Art and Design in Basel, Switzerland. Throughout her professional career, she has contributed to design offices in the field of scenography and installation design across Europe.

Walls have been our direct response to threat for centuries, and over the last 20 years, the global desire for walls has been growing. In fact, we now have more border barriers than at the end of World War II, despite living in an age of internet and globalization. However, the impact of walls on societies extends far beyond mere protection. Walls separate people by establishing an “us” versus “them” mentality, creating a psychological barrier that goes beyond the physical structure itself. When we erect a wall, we unwittingly construct a second barrier in our minds—one that compromises our collective safety1.

Designer Alexandra Auer delves into this topic in her TEDx talk titled “The Intangible Effects of Walls.” She emphasizes the link between physical and mental walls, highlighting how they shape our perceptions and interactions. Auer’s talk not only sheds light on the consequences of physical barriers but also provides an example.

In a world where walls continue to rise, understanding their intangible effects becomes crucial. By recognizing the impact of both physical and mental walls, we can work toward dismantling barriers and fostering greater understanding and unity among people. Auer’s insights serve as a reminder that the true challenge lies not only in breaking down concrete structures but also in bridging the gaps within our minds and hearts.

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Written by pragya singh

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