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Quote on smiling face by Dr Chia

Quote on smiling face by Dr Chia

Quote on smiling face by Dr Chia

A smiling face is a beautiful face. A smiling heart is a happy heart.

Dr. T.P.Chia

Radiance Within: The Tale of Smiling Hearts


“A smiling face is a beautiful face. A smiling heart is a happy heart.” – Unknown

In the quaint village of Sunflower Hollow, nestled amidst rolling hills, lived a young woman named Eliza. Her face, like the morning sun, radiated warmth and kindness. But it was her heart—a hidden garden of joy—that truly captivated those who knew her.

The Blossoming

A Chance Encounter

One misty morning, Eliza met an old man named Samuel. His eyes crinkled with wisdom, and his smile held stories of a lifetime. “A smiling face,” he said, “is a beautiful canvas. But a smiling heart? Ah, that’s where the real magic lies.”

The Garden of Gratitude

Tending to Happiness

Eliza tended to her heart like a devoted gardener. She planted seeds of gratitude, watered them with compassion, and watched as joy blossomed. “A smiling heart,” she whispered, “is a symphony of laughter and kindness.”

The Storm

Clouds Gather

Life wasn’t always sunny. Storms swept through Sunflower Hollow—loss, disappointment, and heartache. Eliza’s face sometimes faltered, but her heart remained steadfast. “A smiling heart,” she reminded herself, “can weather any tempest.”

The Ripple Effect

Spreading Joy

Eliza’s smile became contagious. She baked cookies for her neighbors, listened to their stories, and shared her garden’s bounty. “A smiling heart,” she told them, “is a beacon in the darkest night.”

The Dance of Seasons

Embracing Change

As seasons changed, so did Eliza. She aged gracefully, lines etching her face like tree rings. Yet her heart remained evergreen. “A smiling heart,” she mused, “is timeless.”

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Written by pragya singh

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