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Don’t be afraid of the dark : Ruskin Bond

Do not be Afraid of the Dark

Don’t be afraid of the dark  Inspiring Poem by Ruskin Bond

“Don’t be afraid of the dark, little one,

The earth must rest when the day is done. The sun must be harsh, but moonlight – never! And those stars will be shining forever and ever, Be friends with the Night, there is nothing to fear, Just let your thoughts travel to friends far and near. By day, it does seem that our troubles won’t cease, But at night, late at night, the world is at peace.”

-Ruskin Bond

In the world of literature, few authors have captured the essence of courage and resilience as eloquently as Ruskin Bond. In his timeless quote, “Don’t be afraid of the dark,” Bond imparts a powerful message of bravery and perseverance that resonates with readers of all ages.

Facing Fear Head-On

The darkness often symbolizes the unknown and the mysterious, stirring feelings of fear and apprehension within us. However, Bond’s quote encourages us to confront our fears head-on, urging us not to cower in the face of darkness but to embrace it with courage and determination. By acknowledging our fears and refusing to let them control us, we discover the strength and resilience that lie within.

Finding Light in Darkness

While darkness may seem intimidating, it also holds the promise of discovery and growth. Bond’s words remind us that amidst the shadows, there is light waiting to be found. Just as the stars shine brightest against the backdrop of a dark sky, our own inner light shines most brilliantly when we face our fears and overcome them. By venturing into the darkness with courage and curiosity, we illuminate the path forward and uncover hidden truths about ourselves and the world around us.

Cultivating Resilience

Resilience is born out of adversity, and Bond’s quote serves as a beacon of hope for those navigating through life’s challenges. By embracing the darkness without fear, we develop resilience in the face of uncertainty and emerge stronger and more resilient than before. Like a seed that must endure the darkness of the soil before sprouting into a beautiful flower, we too must endure the darkness of life’s trials to realize our full potential.

Conclusion: Empowering Courage

In conclusion, “Don’t be afraid of the dark” by Ruskin Bond is a timeless reminder of the power of courage. Its message resonates deeply with readers, inspiring them to confront their fears, find light in darkness, and cultivate resilience in the face of adversity. As we heed Bond’s words and embrace the darkness with courage and conviction, may we discover the strength and resilience that lie within each of us.
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Written by Ritesh Nanda

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