The aftermath of COVID-19 Coronavirus
For starters, not all of us have siblings who are doctors & who can give us a scare, time & again while providing authentic information about what really should be our priority points
The first thing my brother, who is a doctor, told me today was that, it’s not the 21 day lock down that matters, it’s what we do on day 22.
So here’s what’s going to happen:
- Like some people did during the Janta curfew, now the whole country is suddenly going to run out of their homes with the national flag, playing patriotic songs & shouting slogans like we’ve won a war & talking about how great of a nation we are forgetting that we have not completely eradicated the virus but merely tried to cut it down.
- The so called highly educated people of the city are going to flood public places like cinema theaters, restaurants, malls, parks etc. exactly on day 22, because why not. They’re absolutely going to neglect the fact that they can’t altogether abandon social distancing and that the virus may still be out there, let’s hope not but one can never be too careful.
- All the small & medium businesses, all corporate offices are going to start working on their normal scheduled time.
- The people who have already left for their villages, example our house help or those who work for daily wages will now come back running to the city because of the bad economy and in hope to earn back a little of what they’ve lost. .
- All means of public transport will now be over crowded to & fro throughout the country suddenly exposing loads of people to loads of possibilities of contracting the virus all over again.
The Time Of COVID
I’m telling you exactly what’s going to happen on day 22, India is going to forget that we are in the middle of a pandemic, a damn global crisis & everyone is going to get back to their normal lives, leaving behind the masks, sanitizers & forgetting to maintain extreme personal hygiene because hey! We’ve found a cure to the virus, we stayed home for 21 days, now let’s forget it and move on.
This is the reason there are high chances of a second wave of the virus spreading like wild fire into the country. If you don’t believe me, you can check the statistics of this virus called the N1H1 which arose in 2009, where in the exact same thing occurred. As soon as it was contained and people went back to their normal lives, there was a second wave.
So technically 21 days of Quarantine is going to be absolutely useless unless we educate the people about what exactly is to be done on day 22 because otherwise there is a possibility of another lock-down being declared. We definitely don’t want that.
If we genuinely understand the seriousness of the issue & come together as a single voice in these times of crisis, we can make a huge difference in the lives of 1.3 billion Indians.
I’m just a regular kid who’s paranoid about the virus & who really wants to make a difference.
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