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Quote on life lesson by Lord Krishna

Quote on life lesson by Lord Krishna

Quote on life lesson by Lord Krishna

I have a purpose for your pain,

A reoson for your struggle and

A reward for your faithfulness.

Trust me & Don’t give up.

Lord Krishna

Title: “The Unseen Purpose”


“I have a purpose for your pain,

A reason for your struggle,

And a reward for your faithfulness.

Trust me & Don’t give up.”

Life often unfolds in mysterious ways, weaving a tapestry of joy and sorrow, hope and despair. Amidst the chaos, there exists an unseen purpose—a guiding thread that stitches our experiences together. Let us delve into the story of Emily, a woman who discovered the profound truth behind these words.

The Storm Within

Emily’s life resembled a tempest-tossed sea. She battled chronic illness, her body a canvas of pain. Each day brought new challenges—a relentless struggle against fatigue, uncertainty, and the gnawing fear of inadequacy. Yet, within her storm, she clung to hope. The quote echoed in her mind like a distant lighthouse: “I have a purpose for your pain.”

A Flicker of Light

One rainy afternoon, Emily stumbled upon an old journal. Its pages whispered stories of resilience, penned by someone long gone. As she read, she realized that her pain was not in vain. It was a brushstroke in a grand masterpiece—a testament to human endurance. “A reason for your struggle,” she mused, tracing the inked words.

The Hidden Path

Emily embarked on a quest. She sought answers in quiet moments—the rustle of leaves, the warmth of a stranger’s smile. Along the way, she met others with their own battles—the single mother working two jobs, the war veteran haunted by memories. Their struggles intertwined, forming a tapestry of shared purpose. “Trust me,” whispered the wind, “there’s more to this pain.”

The Reward

One day, as dawn painted the sky, Emily received an unexpected letter. It bore no return address, only the familiar quote. Inside, a key rested—a tarnished, golden promise. “For your faithfulness,” the note read. Emily followed the key’s guidance, unlocking a hidden door within her heart.

The Garden of Resilience

Behind the door lay a garden—a sanctuary of healing. Each flower held a story—the rose that bloomed despite rocky soil, the daffodil that danced in storms. Emily tended to them, her hands calloused yet gentle. And there, amidst fragrant petals, she found her reward—an unwavering sense of purpose.

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Written by pragya singh

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