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Programming your mind for success by Carrie Green

Programming your mind for success by Carrie Green

Programming your mind for success by Carrie Green

Let’s delve into “Programming Your Mind for Success”, a captivating TEDx talk by entrepreneur Carrie Green. In this inspiring video, Carrie shares her personal journey of overcoming self-doubt, fear, and isolation to achieve remarkable success. Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Starting with Purpose:
    • Carrie began her first online business at the age of 20 while studying Law at the University of Birmingham.
    • She quickly expanded her business globally, selling across the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, and Europe. Her website received over 100,000 hits every month.
    • However, despite external success, she felt miserable and lost. She realized that she needed to define her true purpose.
  2. Mindset Transformation:
    • Carrie emphasizes that success isn’t accidental; it’s intentional. To create an incredible life, we must program our minds purposefully.
    • She discovered that clarity about goals, understanding why they matter, and becoming the right kind of person were essential steps.
    • Positive thinking, visualization, and goal setting became her tools to overcome doubts and fears.
  3. Creating the Female Entrepreneur Association (FEA):
    • Carrie founded the FEA in 2011—a global network connecting female entrepreneurs.
    • Through FEA, she produced a digital magazine called “This Girl Means Business,” weekly videos, and free online classes.
    • Carrie achieved seemingly impossible goals, like featuring best-selling authors on her magazine cover and even visiting Buckingham Palace.
  4. Vision and Control:
    • She encourages the audience to be clear about their vision. Knowing what you want and why is crucial.
    • Taking control of our thoughts is essential. Our mindset shapes our actions and experiences.
    • Success isn’t accidental—it’s a deliberate choice.

In summary, Carrie Green’s talk reminds us that programming our minds for success involves intention, visualization, and aligning our actions with our goals

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Written by pragya singh

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