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Motivational Video: The process

Motivational Video: The process

Motivational Video: The process

 Let’s explore the motivational video titled “The Process,” featuring the powerful speeches of Eric Thomas, Les Brown, and Greg Plitt. This video aims to inspire viewers to embrace the journey toward their goals, overcome fears, and work with passion and purpose1. Here’s a breakdown of its impact:

  1. The Power of Vision:
    • Eric Thomas emphasizes the importance of envisioning success. How we perceive ourselves and the world around us shapes our focus. Our mental images become our reality.
    • The video encourages viewers to visualize their desired outcomes, reinforcing the idea that what we see in our minds becomes our driving force.
  2. The Process as Transformation:
    • The title itself—“The Process”—suggests that achievement is not instantaneous. It’s a journey of growth, setbacks, and breakthroughs.
    • Les Brown and Greg Plitt contribute to this theme, urging viewers to trust the process. Success lies in consistent effort, even when faced with obstacles.
  3. Clips from Movies and Commercials:
    • The video skillfully weaves in clips from various movies and commercials. These visuals enhance the messages, making them relatable and impactful.
    • Whether it’s a hero overcoming adversity or an athlete pushing their limits, these snippets reinforce the motivational content.
  4. Living Life at 120%:
    • Eric Thomas’s call to action resonates: “There Are NO Valid Excuses As To Why ANYONE Should Be Living Their Life At Less Than 120%.” It’s a challenge to give our all, to exceed expectations.
    • The video inspires viewers to step up, be proactive, and create the change they desire.

In summary, “The Process” reminds us that success isn’t just about the destination—it’s about the journey, the mindset, and the unwavering commitment to growth.

The process is a motivational video by Ben Lionel Scott.

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Written by pragya singh

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