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How to figure out what you really want

How to figure out what you really want

How to figure out what you really want

Discovering what you truly want in life is a transformative journey. Here are practical steps to gain clarity:

  1. Identify What You Don’t Want: Start by recognizing what you dislike or find unsatisfying. Whether it’s a job, relationship, or lifestyle, pinpoint the aspects that bother you. 
  2. Flip It Over: Once you’ve identified what you don’t want, flip it around. Imagine the contrasting state. If you dislike living in the city, perhaps you crave a slower country pace. 
  3. Define Your Desires: Ask yourself, “What would I like to see instead?” Be specific. Instead of wanting a spouse who doesn’t appreciate you, desire a partner who adores you and treats you with respect. 
  4. Reflect on Happiness: Consider moments when you’re genuinely happy. What activities, people, or goals contribute to that happiness? Reflect on these elements and envision a life that aligns with them. 
  5. Mind Map the Current State: Create a mind map of your current situation. Include both tangible and intangible aspects. This visual representation helps you see patterns and connections. 
  6. Dig Deeper: Go beyond surface-level desires. Explore your values, passions, and long-term aspirations. 
  7. Try on Different Futures: Imagine different scenarios. What if you pursued a certain career? What if you lived in a specific place? Mentally try on these futures. Pay attention to your emotional responses. 
  8. Prioritize: Create a list of desired things (both tangible and intangible). rioritize them by assigning numbers. The top-ranked items represent your deepest desires. \
  9. Plan Your Powerful Action: Armed with clarity, take action. Break down your desires into actionable steps.

Remember, self-discovery is an ongoing process. Be patient with yourself, stay open-minded, and embrace the journey toward understanding what truly matters to you.

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Written by pragya singh

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