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This is why you don’t succeed- Simon Sinek

This is why you don’t succeed- Simon Sinek

This is why you don’t succeed- Simon Sinek

Simon Oliver Sinek is a British-American author, motivational speaker, and organizational consultant. He is the author of five books, including Start With Why.

Simon Sinek’s motivational speech titled “This Is Why You Don’t Succeed” sheds light on the unique challenges faced by the millennial generation in the workplace. As a leadership consultant and bestselling author, Sinek offers valuable insights into the values and motivations that impact millennials’ professional success.

The video begins with Sinek addressing the common perception of millennials as entitled, narcissistic, and unfocused. He attributes these characteristics to failed parenting strategies, where many millennials were constantly told they were special and could have anything they wanted in life just because they desired it. Participation medals and honors classes further contributed to this sense of entitlement, often without merit.

However, when millennials enter the real world, they encounter a harsh reality: they are not as special as they were led to believe. Their self-image shatters as they realize their moms can’t secure promotions for them, and they receive no rewards for coming in last. Suddenly, they must face the truth that they can’t have everything they want just because they desire it.

Sinek identifies four key factors that contribute to millennials’ struggles:

  1. Parenting Strategies: Many millennials grew up with lower self-esteem due to misguided parenting approaches. They were shielded from failure and rarely faced consequences for their actions. Consequently, they lack the resilience and coping mechanisms needed to thrive in the real world.
  2. Technology Addiction: Millennials are immersed in a Facebook-Instagram world, where instant gratification and constant connectivity prevail. This addiction to technology often leads to feelings of loneliness and isolation, hindering their ability to build meaningful relationships.
  3. Impatience: The digital age has conditioned millennials to expect immediate results. When faced with the slow pace of progress in their careers, impatience sets in, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction.

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Written by pragya singh

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