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The secret of achieving the impossible by Ravi Dubey

The secret of achieving the impossible by Ravi Dubey

The secret of achieving the impossible by Ravi Dubey

Ravi Dubey is an Indian television actor who has recently entered into the arena of motivational speaking. He has a strong belief in Meditation and Buddhism due to which he is able to focus on happy aspects of life.

Let’s delve into Ravi Dubey’s inspiring TEDx talk titled “The Secret To Achieving the ‘Impossible’

The Journey of an Unconventional Dreamer

Ravi Dubey, known for his roles in Indian television, steps beyond the screen to motivate and inspire. Here are the key takeaways from his talk:

  1. Rock Bottom and Resilience:
    • Ravi faced adversity—negative bank accounts, low credit scores—but he refused to be defeated. His journey began at rock bottom.
    • Lesson: Life throws curveballs, but resilience and determination can turn setbacks into stepping stones.
  2. The Power of Gratitude:
    • Gratitude isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a life-changing mindset. Ravi emphasizes its role in his transformation.
    • By appreciating struggles and opportunities alike, we gain perspective and resilience.
  3. Delusion: The Beautiful Madness:
    • Ravi introduces the concept of delusion. Not the negative kind, but the audacity to dream beyond reason.
    • Delusion fuels creativity, innovation, and the pursuit of the “impossible.”
  4. Maintaining Sanity and Insanity:
    • Striking a balance between sanity and insanity is crucial. Too much of either can hinder progress.
    • Delusion keeps us daring, while gratitude keeps us grounded.
  5. The Support System:
    • Ravi acknowledges the role of his wife and spiritual anchor. Surrounding oneself with positive influences matters.
    • We’re not alone on this journey; our connections shape our path.

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Written by pragya singh

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