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Get comfortable with being uncomfortable by Luvvie Ajayi

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable by Luvvie Ajayi

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable by Luvvie Ajayi

Ifeoluwa Adenike Damilola Ajayi known professionally as Luvvie Ajayi is a Nigerian author, speaker, and digital strategist. Her first book, I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual was a New York Times best-seller.

 In this thought-provoking presentation, Geller explores how we can cultivate self-motivation and empower ourselves. Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Four C’s of Empowerment:
    • Competence: Feeling competent and capable is essential for self-motivation. When we believe in our abilities, we’re more likely to take action.
    • Consequences: Understanding the consequences of our actions motivates us. Positive outcomes encourage us to continue, while negative consequences prompt us to adjust our behavior.
    • Choice: Having autonomy and the ability to make choices empowers us. When we feel in control, we’re more motivated to act.
    • Community: Our connections with others play a crucial role. Building a supportive community fosters motivation and encourages us to strive for success.
  2. Shift from Failure Avoidance to Success Seeking:
    • Geller emphasizes that we should move away from being “failure avoiders” and instead become “success seekers.” Rather than merely avoiding negative outcomes, we should actively seek positive ones.
    • He shares personal anecdotes, including learning to play the drums, to illustrate how these principles apply in everyday life.
  3. Feedback and Education:
    • Constructive feedback helps us improve and stay motivated. It guides our efforts and allows us to make necessary adjustments.
    • Continuous learning and education contribute to our sense of competence and motivation.
  4. Interdependence:
    • Geller highlights the importance of interdependence—our reliance on others. We thrive when we collaborate, support one another, and actively care for people around us.

In summary, self-motivation involves recognizing our competence, understanding consequences, making choices, and building a supportive community.

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