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Story: A story about love ego and feelings


Story  A story about love , ego and feelings

Once there was an island where all the feelings lived together.

One day there was a storm in the sea and the island was about to drown.

Every Feeling was scared but Love made a boat to escape.

All the feelings jumped in the boat except for one feeling.

Love got down to see who it was…

It was Ego!!

Love tried & tried but Ego didnt move..
Everyone asked Love to leave Ego & come in the boat but Love was meant to Love….

It remained with Ego.

All other feelings were left alive but Love died because of Ego !!

Once upon a time in a picturesque village nestled between rolling hills, lived two childhood friends, Aarav and Meera. Their bond was deep, forged through years of shared laughter, dreams, and adventures. As they grew older, their friendship blossomed into love, a pure and unwavering affection that seemed destined to last forever.

Aarav was a talented artist, known for his breathtaking landscapes, while Meera was a gifted poet whose words could evoke the deepest of emotions. Together, they were a perfect harmony of colors and words, their love inspiring each other’s creativity. However, as they stepped into adulthood, the complexities of life began to cloud their idyllic world.

Aarav’s art started gaining recognition, and with it, his ego grew. He became increasingly absorbed in his success, basking in the admiration of others. Meera, on the other hand, remained grounded, her poetry reflecting the simplicity and beauty of life. She tried to remind Aarav of the importance of their love and shared dreams, but her words seemed to fall on deaf ears.

One evening, at a prestigious art exhibition, Aarav received an award for his latest masterpiece. As he stood on stage, basking in applause, he failed to notice Meera’s absence. She had left the event quietly, her heart heavy with the realization that Aarav’s ego had overshadowed their love.

Days turned into weeks, and the distance between them grew. Aarav, too consumed by his newfound fame, did not immediately grasp the depth of his loss. It was only after he visited their favorite spot by the river, a place where they often shared their dreams, that he felt the emptiness of Meera’s absence.

As he sat there, memories flooded back, bringing with them a painful clarity. Aarav realized that his ego had cost him the most precious thing in his life.

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Written by Arun Pandit

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