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Quote on Rejection by Tony Robbins

Quote on Rejection by Tony Robbins

Quote on Rejection by Tony Robbins

Success is buried on the other side of rejection.
Tony Robbins

“Success is buried on the other side of rejection.”

Unearthing Triumph: A Journey Through Rejection


In a world where dreams are forged in the crucible of adversity, Tony Robbins’ timeless words echos. These profound insights remind us that our greatest achievements often lie beyond the walls of rejection.

The First Hurdle: Rejection Letters

Aspiring author Emma stared at her inbox, heart pounding. Her manuscript which has met with a chorus of rejection letters. Doubt gnawed at her resolve. But then she remembered Robbins’ wisdom. Each rejection was a stepping stone, leading her closer to success. She revised her novel, polished her query letter, and pressed on.

The Entrepreneur’s Struggle

Alex, a budding entrepreneur, faced rejection after rejection. Investors scoffed at his innovative app idea. Yet, Robbins’ words fueled his determination. He pivoted, refined his pitch, and persisted. Eventually, a venture capitalist saw the spark in his eyes—the same spark that rejection had failed to extinguish.

The Audition

Maria, a talented violinist, auditioned for the prestigious orchestra. Her heart raced as she played, pouring her soul into each note. The panel’s stoic expressions revealed nothing. Weeks later, the rejection letter arrived. But Maria knew better. She practiced harder, sought feedback, and returned the next year. This time, her music resonated, and the orchestra welcomed her with open arms.

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Written by pragya singh

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