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Quote on achievement by Maya Angelou

Quote on achievement by Maya Angelou

Quote on achievement by Maya Angelou

All great achievements require time.
Maya Angelou

The Unseen Marathon: Nurturing Greatness Over Time


Maya Angelou once said, “All great achievements require time.” This simple yet profound quote encapsulates the essence of what it takes to accomplish something remarkable. In this SEO-optimized story, we delve into the journey of an aspiring artist, Lily, as she discovers the true meaning behind Angelou’s words.

Lily’s Passion Ignites

Lily, a young painter, stood before her blank canvas, brush in hand. Her dream was to create a masterpiece that would resonate with generations. She remembered Angelou’s words: “All great achievements require time.” With determination, she began her artistic odyssey.

The First Strokes

Lily’s initial strokes were hesitant, her colors tentative. She faced self-doubt and moments of frustration. But she persisted. Each day, she added a layer, blending hues, shaping shadows. The canvas transformed, mirroring her growth. Lily realized that time was her ally, not her adversary.

Navigating Setbacks

Lily encountered setbacks—a smudged portrait, a misplaced perspective. Yet, she embraced these challenges. Angelou’s wisdom echoed in her mind: “Greatness does not come easily; it demands patience, tenacity, and a willingness to put in the necessary work.” Lily adjusted her technique, learned from her mistakes, and kept moving forward.

The Silent Hours

Late at night, Lily worked in solitude. The world slept, but her passion burned. She explored new techniques, blending colors until dawn. The canvas absorbed her dedication, layer by layer. The quote adorned her studio wall, a silent companion urging her onward.

The Unexpected Twist

One day, Lily met an art critic who challenged Angelou’s quote. “What about effortless achievement?” he asked. “Some artists are born with innate talent.” Lily pondered this. Could greatness emerge effortlessly? She decided to explore both sides.

The Effortless Mirage

Lily met a prodigious young artist, Alex. His brush danced across the canvas, creating masterpieces effortlessly. Yet, when she delved deeper, she discovered hidden hours of practice. Alex’s talent was a seed nurtured over time. Even the seemingly effortless had roots in dedication.

The Culmination

Years passed. Lily’s canvas transformed into a breathtaking landscape—a testament to Angelou’s wisdom. She realized that greatness was not a sprint but a marathon. Her meta description captured it succinctly: “Nurturing greatness over time: Lily’s artistic journey echoes Maya Angelou’s timeless wisdom.


Lily’s masterpiece hung in galleries worldwide. Visitors marveled at its depth, unaware of the silent nights, the setbacks, and the unwavering commitment. Angelou’s quote remained etched in Lily’s heart: “All great achievements require time.” And so, the unseen marathon continued, inspiring generations to nurture their greatness, one stroke at a time.

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