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Quote on mortals and immortals by Seneca

Quote on mortals and immortals by Seneca

Quote on mortals and immortals by Seneca

You act like mortals
in all that you fear,
and like immortals
in all that you desire.

Title: “The Dance of Mortals and Immortals”


In the quiet corners of our hearts, we harbor both fear and desire. Like fragile mortals, we tremble at the unknown, yet within us burns an immortal fire—a longing for greatness, for eternity. Seneca, the Stoic philosopher, captured this paradox succinctly: “You act like mortals in all that you fear, and like immortals in all that you desire.” Let us delve into the dance of these contrasting forces.

Fear’s Shadow

The Mortal Veil

Fear wraps us in its shroud, blinding us to our potential. We tiptoe through life, afraid of failure, rejection, and the abyss of the unknown. Our hearts race at the precipice of change, and we cling to the familiar, like sailors huddled in a storm. Mortals, we are, with fleeting days and fragile dreams.

The Echoing Footsteps

In the dim corridors of our minds, fear echoes. We postpone dreams, whispering, “Tomorrow, when I am braver.” But what guarantee do we have of a longer life? Who will allow our course to proceed as we arrange it? Fear, the silent saboteur, steals our time, leaving us with regrets.

Desire’s Flame

The Immortal Spark

Yet, within us, an immortal spark flickers. Desire—the yearning for more—fuels our souls. We dream of conquering mountains, writing symphonies, or touching distant stars. Like gods, we envision eternity in our creations. Desire propels us beyond mediocrity, urging us to seize life’s grand tapestry.

The Fire Within

We chase wealth, fame, and love, believing they grant immortality. Possessions accumulate, status rises, yet peace eludes us. Seneca reminds us that these earthly treasures are mere illusions. When death approaches, we would trade them all for a little more time—to savor sunsets, hold loved ones, and breathe.

The Dance Unfolds

Mortals and Immortals Waltz

In this cosmic ballroom, we sway between fear and desire. Fear whispers caution, but desire beckons us to leap. We pen novels, build bridges, and plant gardens, knowing that our mortal bodies will crumble. Yet, our legacy—the echo of our immortal dance—lives on.

The Final Bow

As the curtain falls, we realize that both fear and desire were our companions. Mortals, we faced storms, stumbled, and rose. Immortals, we etched our stories into the universe. So, dear reader, embrace both—the trembling mortal and the fiery immortal. For in this dance, we find our truest selves.

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Written by pragya singh

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