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Know more before judging others (Video by Gaur Gopal Das)

Know more before judging others (Video by Gaur Gopal Das)

Know more before judging others (Video by Gaur Gopal Das)

We often jump to conclusions before knowing the complete story. Wouldn’t it be great if we try to understand the situation better?

 Let’s delve into the wisdom shared by Gaur Gopal Das in his video titled “Know More Before Judging Others.” In this insightful talk, Gaur Gopal Das emphasizes the importance of withholding judgment and giving others the benefit of the doubt. Here’s a brief summary:

In the video, Gaur Gopal Das recounts a humorous yet profound story from his own life. He shares an experience where he was singing in front of an 80-year-old expert singer. Despite his best efforts, he received critical feedback from the elderly singer. Initially, Gaur felt disheartened and judged. However, he decided to seek the singer’s advice and learn from him.

To his surprise, the expert singer revealed that he had been deaf for the past 40 years! He had been lip-reading Gaur’s performance and providing feedback based on visual cues. This revelation completely changed Gaur’s perspective. Instead of feeling judged, he realized that he had misunderstood the situation. The elderly singer’s feedback was not a reflection of his singing ability but rather a testament to his resilience and determination.

Gaur Gopal Das uses this story to drive home a crucial point: we should never rush to judgment without understanding the full context

The expert singer then shared his own story. He had been a renowned singer in his youth, but life had dealt him a harsh blow. He lost his wife and children in a tragic accident. The pain was unbearable, and he stopped singing. Years later, he decided to attend a music concert. The singer on stage made a mistake, and the audience ridiculed him mercilessly. The elderly singer realized that he had been too quick to judge. He vowed never to criticize anyone without knowing their story.

Gaur Gopal Das uses this anecdote to drive home the point that we often judge others based on superficial observations. We form opinions without understanding their struggles, pain, or context. Instead, he encourages us to pause and consider the backstory—the hidden battles people fight, the scars they carry, and the challenges they’ve overcome.

The video serves as a reminder that everyone has a unique journey, and our judgments can be misleading. By practicing empathy and compassion, we can create a more understanding and harmonious world.

Gaur Gopal Das, an Electrical Engineer turned monk, has been sharing timeless wisdom for over two decades. His talks inspire audiences to think deeply and find simple solutions to complex problems. With millions of followers across social media platforms, he is known as the “urban, online monk.”

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Written by pragya singh

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