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How to start a startup by Ankur@warikoo

How to start a startup by Ankur@warikoo

How to start a startup by Ankur@warikoo

Ankur Warikoo, a successful entrepreneur and educator, has shared valuable insights on starting a startup in his videos. Let’s delve into some key points from his content:

Video Title: “How to Start a Successful Business | Covid Proof Businesses”1

Introduction: Ankur discusses the common misconception around startups and emphasizes the importance of exploring oneself.

Startup Ideas: He presents a simple model for generating startup ideas, emphasizing market size and growth potential.

Selecting the Right Idea: Ankur guides viewers on how to choose the “one big idea” that can transform their lives.

Finding Co-founders and Building a Team: A solid team is crucial for any startup. Ankur shares insights on finding the right co-founder and building a strong founding team.

Founder Equity and ESOPs: He explains the basics of equity distribution among co-founders and introduces ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plans).

Fundraising: Ankur discusses whether to raise funds or bootstrap the business, along with valuation considerations.

Product Development: Learn about early-stage product development and creating a Minimal Viable Product (MVP).

Pricing Strategy: Pricing isn’t just about math; it involves understanding market value. Ankur covers pricing strategies.

Launching and Getting Customers: The ultimate goal is to have customers. Ankur shares insights on launching a product and achieving product-market fit.

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Written by pragya singh

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