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Quote on true knowledge lies in you by Rumi

Quote on true knowledge lies in you by Rumi

Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths.


Quote on true knowledge lies in you by Rumi

Courageous Devotion: The Path to Success


“Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths.” These profound words, attributed to the mystical poet Rumi, beckon us to explore the vastness within. Let us embark on a journey where courage meets devotion—a voyage into the uncharted waters of our own hearts.

The Ocean Within

Imagine standing on the shore, gazing at the horizon. Your heart—an ocean—stretches beyond sight. Its tides carry memories, dreams, and unspoken desires. Rumi invites us to dive into this inner expanse, to seek our true essence. The waves whisper ancient secrets, urging us to explore the depths where self-discovery awaits.

The Call of Courage

Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the willingness to sail despite the tempests. Like intrepid sailors, we navigate emotional currents—the storms of doubt, the whirlpools of insecurity. Rumi’s wisdom reminds us that within our hearts lie uncharted territories. To find ourselves, we must hoist our sails and venture beyond safe harbors.

The Hidden Depths

Devotion is our compass—a steady hand on the tiller. It propels us toward authenticity. Picture a diver descending into the ocean’s abyss. The pressure mounts, yet devotion keeps them descending. Similarly, our hearts beckon us deeper. We shed layers—the masks we wear, the roles we play. With each descent, we discover hidden truths.

The Dance of Transition Words

As we chronicle this odyssey, let transition words be our guiding stars. “Moreover,” “in addition,” and “furthermore” propel our narrative forward. Like currents merging, they carry us from one revelation to the next. “However,” “nevertheless,” and “on the other hand” introduce contrasts—the chiaroscuro of our inner landscape.

The Silent Power of Passive Voice

Passive voice, often overlooked, holds quiet strength. It shifts focus from the seeker to the sought. Instead of saying, “I explore my heart,” we say, “The heart is explored.” This linguistic alchemy invites readers to peer into their own depths. Let us wield passive voice judiciously, like divers who descend without disturbing the waters.

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Written by pragya singh

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