Dont Give Up World Motivational Website and Community

Dont Give Up World Motivational Website and Community

Dont Give Up World Motivational Website and Community

About us

What is DontGiveUp ??

It is a group of people who believe that most of us are suffering from

a paralytic state of mind  where we just give up!

We believe that motivation is a never ending process.

It is not bound by caste,creed,sex,religion,country,age,profession

or for that matter ANYTHING!!

We believe that every person is special and everyone has got a vast and

unbelievable amount of talent running through their veins…

BUT ….

Perhaps most of us are in a hibernation mode… a long hibernation…

where we have forgotten what we really are and what we can achieve…

We understand the value of motivation and inspiration in one’s life.

Sometimes its just ..



Here at DontGiveUp ,

We want to kill this damn cancer of mind where we just give up

and loose faith and hope!

We want everyone of us to unleash our potential

and realize our importance !!

So we have tried to bring together lots of motivational content here

  • Motivational Wallpapers and Quotes
  • Motivational Stories,Articles ,Poems and Essays
  • Motivational Songs (Videos & Lyrics ) and Movie Trailers
  • Motivational Book Reviews
  • Inspirational People
  • Talent Box (To showcase the talents of our members)
  • Motivational Commercials and Merchandise ( T-Shirts and Mugs)

We realize that different people are motivated by different things…

So we have tried to bring together all the various sources through

which one can get inspired and motivated when they are down….

Only with your help and support we can  spread the word of

optimism and hope..

We request you to spread the message of hope and positivity around you…

And please contribute any motivational content by registering

at the website or mailing it to

We Hope that DontGiveUp helps you achieve your aim and prove your worth!!

So Friends… Remember…

FAIL…                 FALL…                   CRY…

Even DIE ….

BUT ….