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A P J Abdul Kalam Quote on Dream and Sleep

A P J Abdul Kalam Quote on Dream and Sleep !

A P J Abdul Kalam Quote on Dream and Sleep

A P J Abdul Kalam Quote on Dream and Sleep

Unlocking Your Potential: A Journey of Self-Discovery


“You can Do what you want to do … You can Be what you want to be …”

In a quiet corner of the bustling city, where dreams and reality intersect, lived a young artist named Maya. Her heart beat in rhythm with the vibrant strokes of her paintbrush, and her soul danced to the melodies of her imagination. Maya believed in the power of these words, etched into her heart like a mantra. She knew that within her lay the ability to shape her destiny, to create her own masterpiece.

The Awakening

Maya’s journey began when she stumbled upon an old, dusty canvas hidden in the attic. As she wiped away the cobwebs, the quote echoed in her mind. She decided to paint her dreams, to breathe life into her aspirations. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on her canvas. With each stroke, she felt the shackles of doubt loosen. The passive voice of fear whispered, but she silenced it with determination.

Colors of Courage

Maya’s art studio became her sanctuary. She painted sunsets that blazed with fiery oranges and purples, mirroring her own courage. The transition from self-doubt to self-belief was gradual, like the changing seasons. She painted her dreams into existence, one brushstroke at a time. The city noticed. Her art exhibitions became a testament to her journey, and the quote adorned every invitation.

The Beating Heart

“You can Do what you want to do … You can Be what you want to be …” Maya’s heartbeat synced with these words. She realized that her art was more than just colors on canvas; it was her essence, her truth. The quote became her mantra, whispered in the quiet moments before she dipped her brush into paint. She painted love stories, sunrises, and the resilience of forgotten flowers pushing through concrete.

The Grand Exhibition

As the city buzzed with anticipation, Maya prepared for her grand exhibition. The gallery walls embraced her creations—the vibrant hues of her dreams, the soft pastels of her vulnerabilities. The meta description for her online portfolio read: “Unleash your potential through art. Maya’s paintings capture the essence of ‘You can Do what you want to do … You can Be what you want to be …’”


Maya’s story is a reminder that within each of us lies a canvas waiting to be filled. We can choose our colors, blend our passions, and create our own reality. So, dear dreamer, pick up your brush, embrace the transition from doubt to belief, and let the quote guide you. You have the power to do and be anything you desire.

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Written by Arun Pandit

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