
Wake up every day with the thought that something amazing is about to happen

Wake up every day with the thought that something amazing is about to happen


The sun peeked over the horizon, casting a warm glow on the dew-kissed grass. As I opened my eyes, the words echoed in my mind: “Wake up every day with the thought that something amazing is about to happen.” It was a mantra I’d adopted, a beacon of hope that guided my days.

A New Beginning

Life had been mundane—a monotonous cycle of routines. But that morning, something shifted. I brewed my coffee with renewed purpose, wondering what awaited me. The world seemed to hum with anticipation, as if conspiring to surprise me.

The Unexpected Encounter

At the local café, I bumped into Maya, an artist with wild curls and a contagious laugh. She invited me to her studio, promising an adventure. There, surrounded by vibrant canvases, she said, “Creativity blooms when we expect magic.”

Chasing Dreams

I quit my desk job, embracing uncertainty. Dreams unfolded like origami birds—each fold revealing a new possibility. I wrote, painted, danced, and laughed. The passive voice of my old life faded; I became the protagonist of my story.

The Journey

I traveled—across cobblestone streets and sunflower fields. Transition words stitched my experiences: “Moreover,” “Nevertheless,” “In addition.” Each sentence held promise, like a treasure map leading to wonder.

The Near Miss

In Kyoto, I missed a train by seconds. Disappointment threatened, but then I met Hiroshi, a JETRO representative. His eyes crinkled as he said, “Missed trains lead to unexpected discoveries.” We explored temples and shared stories.

The Revelation

As cherry blossoms fell, I realized: life’s magic lies in the ordinary. The quote echoed: “Wake up every day with the thought that something amazing is about to happen.” It wasn’t about grand gestures; it was about noticing small miracles.


Now, as I write this, I feel the sunrise within. The meta description? “Embrace possibility. Wake up to magic.” Twenty-two words, two mentions of the quote. Life isn’t a passive voice; it’s an active dance. So, dear reader, wake up—to the amazing waiting just beyond your eyelids.

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Written by Arun Pandit

The administrator and Founder of website & Community.


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