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The Bhagvad Gita Quote on Reshape Yourself

The Bhagvad Gita Quote on Reshape Yourself

Reshaping Destiny: The Power Within


In the heart of a bustling city, where ambition and chaos collided, lived a young woman named Maya. She was an architect, but her dreams extended beyond blueprints and steel. Maya believed in the transformative power of the will, a force that could mold destinies like clay. Her favorite quote echoed in her mind: “Reshape yourself through the power of your will; never let yourself be degraded by self-will.” These words, attributed to the ancient sage Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, fueled her determination.

The Architect’s Struggle

Maya faced challenges daily. Her architectural firm demanded perfection, deadlines loomed, and clients were relentless. Yet, she refused to compromise her integrity. When her boss pressured her to cut corners, she stood firm. “The will is the only friend of the Self,” she reminded herself. She worked late into the night, sketching intricate designs, fueled by her unwavering determination.

The Turning Point

One rainy evening, as Maya sketched plans for a sustainable community center, she met an old man named Rajan. His eyes held wisdom etched by time. “Reshape yourself,” he said, “and you’ll reshape the world.” His words resonated, and Maya invited him for tea. Rajan shared stories of his youth, of battles fought and lost, of love found and lost. “The will is the only enemy of those who have not found the Self within them,” he said, gazing into the distance.

The Metamorphosis

Inspired by Rajan, Maya embarked on a personal journey. She meditated, seeking clarity. “Actions do not cling to me,” she realized, “because I am not attached to their results.” She embraced the chaos of life, finding beauty in imperfection. Her designs became more organic, blending nature and structure seamlessly. “Brahman offers the sacrifice in the fire of Brahman,” she whispered, as if channeling ancient wisdom.

The Legacy

Maya’s community center stood tall—a testament to her unwavering will. Its walls echoed with laughter, its gardens bloomed with hope. The meta description for her website read: “Reshape your destiny with Maya’s visionary designs.” Visitors marveled at the harmony of form and function. “The offering of wisdom,” Maya thought, “is better than any material offering.”


Maya’s journey taught her that the will was both sculptor and canvas. She had reshaped herself, and in doing so, she’d transformed her world. As rain tapped against the center’s windows, she whispered, “Never let yourself degrade by self-will.” Maya’s legacy would endure, etched in stone and memory.

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Written by pragya singh

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