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Quote on think less feel more by Osho

Quote on think less, feel more by Osho

Get out of your head and get into your heart. Think less, feel more.


Quote on think less, feel more by Osho

“Get out of your head and get into your heart. Think less, feel more.”

Heartfelt Wisdom: A Journey Within


In a bustling city, where thoughts raced like frantic commuters, there lived a young woman named Maya. She was a brilliant analyst, dissecting data with surgical precision. Yet, her heart remained an uncharted territory—a place she seldom visited. One day, as the sun dipped below the skyscrapers, she stumbled upon an old bookstore. Its sign read, “The Heart’s Alcove.”

Chapter 1: The Head’s Labyrinth

Maya stepped inside, the scent of aged paper enveloping her. The shelves groaned under the weight of forgotten tales. She approached the counter, where an elderly man with twinkling eyes awaited.

“Welcome,” he said. “Here, we explore the heart.”

Maya scoffed. “I deal in facts, not feelings.”

The man handed her a leather-bound book. “Read this.”

Chapter 2: The Heart’s Whisper

As Maya delved into the pages, she discovered stories of love, loss, and courage. The words danced, inviting her to feel. She resisted, clinging to logic. But late at night, when the city slept, she heard a whisper—a heartbeat echoing through her mind.

Chapter 3: The Bridge Between

Maya wandered the streets, torn between head and heart. She sat by the river, its ripples mirroring her conflict. The quote resurfaced: “Get out of your head and get into your heart. Think less, feel more.”

Chapter 4: The Awakening

One moonlit night, Maya surrendered. She closed her eyes, seeking the bridge between reason and emotion. Her heart pulsed, urging her to leap. She remembered the man at the bookstore.

Chapter 5: The Alcove’s Secret

Back at the bookstore, the man smiled. “You’ve found it—the heart’s alcove.”

Maya nodded. “But how?”

“By listening,” he said. “Your heart speaks in whispers, not algorithms.”


Maya learned that wisdom wasn’t solely in data points or spreadsheets. It flowed through laughter, tears, and shared moments. She embraced both head and heart, weaving them into a symphony of existence.

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Written by pragya singh

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