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Quote on the face for the problem by Sylvia Plath

Quote on the face for the problem by Sylvia Plath

Quote on the face for the problem by Sylvia Plath

Face it, kid. unless you can be yourself.
you won’t stay with anyone for long.
Sylvia Plath

“Authentic Echoes”


“Face it, kid. Unless you can be yourself, you won’t stay with anyone for long.” These words, spoken by my grandfather, etched themselves into my soul. As I navigated life’s twists and turns, I discovered their profound truth.

The Masked Dance

The Social Chameleon

Growing up, I wore masks—adjusting my colors to fit in. At school, I was the class clown, cracking jokes to camouflage my insecurities. With friends, I mirrored their interests, afraid to reveal my true passions. But beneath the laughter and mimicry, I felt hollow.

The Breaking Point

One day, my best friend confronted me. “Who are you, really?” she asked. “I don’t know anymore,” I whispered. The weight of pretense had worn me thin. I realized that I couldn’t sustain relationships built on falsehoods.

Embracing Authenticity

The Unveiling

I decided to peel off the layers. It wasn’t easy. I feared rejection, loneliness. But I craved genuine connections. So, I showed up as myself—the quirky bookworm, the aspiring poet, the introverted dreamer.

The Revelation

To my surprise, people responded. Some drifted away, unable to handle the unfiltered version of me. But others stayed—the ones who appreciated my quirks, my vulnerability. I discovered that authenticity acted as a magnet, drawing in kindred souls.

The Journey Continues

The Freedom

No longer bound by masks, I reveled in my uniqueness. I laughed louder, wrote poetry shamelessly, and danced like no one watched. My relationships transformed. Instead of fleeting encounters, I found lasting bonds.

The Wisdom Passed Down

My grandfather’s words echoed. “Be yourself,” he’d said, his eyes twinkling. “People will love you for it.” And he was right. Authenticity became my compass, guiding me through storms and sunsets.


As I reflect on my journey, I realize that being true to myself isn’t just about staying with others—it’s about staying with me. So, face it, kid. Embrace your quirks, your flaws. Be the unapologetic echo of your soul. The world will adjust, and you’ll find your tribe.

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Written by pragya singh

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