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Quote about a good relationship and peace by Sudha Murty

Quote about a good relationship compassion and peace by Sudha Murty

Quote about a good relationship compassion and peace by Sudha Murty

“Good relationships, compassion, and peace of mind
are much more important than achievements, awards, degrees or money.”


“The Currency of the Heart”


“Good relationships, compassion, and peace of mind are much more important than achievements, awards, degrees, or money.” Sudha Murty’s words echoed in Maya’s mind as she stood at the crossroads of her life. The world had taught her to chase success, but deep down, she yearned for something more profound.

The Pursuit of Success

The Corporate Ladder

Maya had climbed the corporate ladder with determination. She had degrees framed on her office wall, accolades tucked away in folders, and a bank account that grew steadily. But her heart remained restless. The late nights at the office, the missed family gatherings—they all took a toll.

The Wake-Up Call

One day, her elderly neighbor, Mrs. Patel, invited her for tea. The fragrant brew and the warmth of Mrs. Patel’s smile eased Maya’s stress. They talked about life, not deadlines. Mrs. Patel shared stories of her youth, of love, loss, and resilience. Maya realized that her pursuit of success had left little room for such connections.

The Currency of the Heart

The Priceless Moments

Maya started investing in relationships. She visited her parents more often, listened to her sister’s dreams, and laughed with her childhood friends. She volunteered at the local shelter, where compassion flowed freely. The joy in a homeless child’s eyes became her greatest reward.

The Inner Wealth

As Maya nurtured her heart, peace settled within. She meditated by the river, watching ripples dance. The degrees on her wall seemed distant, their value fading. She understood that true wealth lay in moments shared, in kindness given, and in the quietude of a contented mind.

The Legacy

The Final Chapter

Mrs. Patel passed away, leaving behind a handwritten note. “Dear Maya,” it read, “life’s treasures aren’t in bank vaults. They’re in the laughter of loved ones, the touch of a friend, and the serenity of your soul. Be rich in these, my dear.”

The Transformation

Maya honored Mrs. Patel’s wisdom. She left her high-paying job, started a community garden, and wrote poetry. Her bank balance dwindled, but her heart overflowed. She realized that achievements were fleeting, but relationships endured.


As Maya sat under the old oak tree, she whispered, “Thank you, Mrs. Patel.” The quote had come alive in her life. Good relationships, compassion, and peace of mind—the true currency that transcended material riches.

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Written by pragya singh

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