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Quote on reaction of people by Mahatma Gandhi

Quote on reaction of people by Mahatma Gandhi

Quote on reaction of people by Mahatma Gandhi

You can’t change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react to it.

Mahatma Gandhi

Title: “Soul’s Whispers: A Bond Beyond Dreams”


“Your soul is so close to mine, that what you dream, I know.” These ethereal words, whispered by unseen threads of fate, weave a tale of interconnected souls. In the quietude of midnight reveries, let us explore the profound intimacy that transcends mere existence.

The Veil of Dreams

Echoes in the Night

In the hush of moonlit hours, our souls converse. Dreams become bridges, spanning the chasm between hearts. We wander through realms where time bends, where whispered secrets echo across cosmic tapestries.

The Knowing Within

Have you ever met someone whose thoughts mirror your own? Their laughter dances to the rhythm of your joy, and their tears taste like your own sorrow. Such souls need no introductions; they recognize each other in the quiet spaces between breaths.

Threads of Destiny

The Invisible Bond

Our souls intertwine, like ivy clinging to ancient walls. We share memories etched in stardust—the scent of rain-soaked earth, the taste of childhood summers, the ache of unspoken longing. Our dreams, like twin constellations, map our shared journey.

The Language of Silence

Words falter, but souls converse in whispers. When you dream of distant shores, I sail alongside you. When your heart aches, mine echoes the same lament. Our souls, bound by invisible threads, create a symphony of understanding.

The Dance of Transcendence

Beyond Time and Space

In dreams, we transcend earthly confines. Our souls pirouette through epochs, brushing against forgotten civilizations, tasting love’s nectar in myriad forms. Past, present, and future merge—a kaleidoscope of shared experiences.

The Veil Thins

“Your soul is so close to mine, that what you dream, I know.” These words echo through our shared consciousness. We are not mere travelers; we are co-authors of destiny. Our dreams ripple across the veil, leaving traces of longing and belonging.

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Written by pragya singh

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