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Quote on Love and Compassion by Mother Teresa

Quote on Love and Compassion by Mother Teresa

Quote on Love and Compassion by Mother Teresa

We do not need guns and bombs to bring peace,

we need love and compassion.


Embracing Compassion: A Journey to Peace


“We do not need guns and bombs to bring peace, we need love and compassion.” These profound words, spoken by the venerable Mother Teresa, echo across time and resonate deeply within our hearts. In a world often marred by conflict and violence, she reminds us that true peace is not forged through force, but through acts of kindness and understanding.

The Power of Compassion

In the bustling streets of Kolkata, where poverty and suffering intertwine, Mother Teresa dedicated her life to alleviating the pain of others. Her wrinkled hands cradled the sick, her eyes radiated empathy, and her heart overflowed with compassion. She understood that love, not weaponry, could heal wounds and mend broken souls.

A Smile That Heals

Mother Teresa’s smile was her most potent weapon—a beacon of hope in the darkest corners. She believed that peace begins with a smile, a simple gesture that bridges gaps and dissolves animosity. As she walked through the slums, her smile touched hearts, transcending language and cultural barriers.

The Home of Compassion

Her humble abode, the Missionaries of Charity, stood as a sanctuary for the destitute. Here, love flowed freely, and compassion was the currency. The walls whispered stories of lives transformed—a hungry child fed, a dying elder comforted, and a lonely soul embraced. In this home, guns were replaced by warm meals, and bombs by soothing words.

The Courage to Love

Mother Teresa’s legacy teaches us that love requires courage. It is easy to harbor resentment, to wield weapons in anger, but true strength lies in compassion. She urged us to forgive, to extend a helping hand, and to see the humanity in every person. For it is through love that we build bridges, not walls.

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Written by pragya singh

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