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Quote on just the way you are by Mandy Hale

Quote on just the way you are by Mandy Hale

Quote on just the way you are by Mandy Hale

You’re beautiful just the way you are. Shine on. And dare anyone to turnoff the lights.

Mandy Hale

Embrace Your Radiance: A Tale of Self-Discovery


“You’re beautiful just the way you are. Shine on. And dare anyone to turn off the lights.”

In the quiet town of Lumina, nestled among rolling hills and whispering forests, lived a young woman named Elara. She possessed an ethereal beauty that seemed to glow from within. Her eyes sparkled like moonlit dewdrops, and her smile could light up the darkest corners of anyone’s heart. Yet, Elara remained unaware of her own allure.

The Hidden Garden

Elara’s days were spent tending to her garden—a secret haven behind her cottage. Here, vibrant flowers bloomed in riotous colors, and butterflies danced in harmonious choreography. The sun, too, seemed to linger longer in this enchanted space, casting warm rays upon Elara’s face as she worked the soil.

One evening, as twilight painted the sky in hues of lavender and gold, Elara noticed a peculiar flower. Its petals shimmered like spun silver, and its fragrance held promises of forgotten dreams. She leaned closer, mesmerized by its delicate beauty. The flower whispered to her, “You’re beautiful just the way you are. Shine on.”

The Mysterious Invitation

A letter arrived at Elara’s doorstep—an invitation to the annual Moonlight Gala. The event was held in the grand ballroom of the opulent Starfall Manor, where the elite gathered under the moon’s watchful eye. Elara hesitated; her humble attire seemed inadequate for such an affair. But the flower’s words echoed in her mind: “Shine on.”

The Moonlight Gala

Elara stepped into the ballroom, her heart fluttering like a captured butterfly. The chandeliers dripped with crystal tears, and the air hummed with anticipation. She felt like a star fallen from the night sky, her gown shimmering like stardust. As she glided across the marble floor, she caught the eye of Lord Alaric, the enigmatic host.

“May I have this dance?” Lord Alaric’s voice held a hint of moonlight.

Elara hesitated, then accepted. They swirled together, their steps guided by constellations. Lord Alaric leaned in, his lips brushing her ear. “You’re beautiful just the way you are. Shine on.”

The Midnight Garden

Outside, beyond the ballroom’s gilded doors, lay the Midnight Garden—a place forbidden to most. Elara followed Lord Alaric, her heart pounding. Moonflowers bloomed here, their petals phosphorescent. Their glow revealed secrets—the kind that whispered of love and destiny.

Lord Alaric turned to Elara. “Dare anyone to turn off the lights,” he said, his eyes holding galaxies. And in that moon-kissed moment, Elara understood. She was more than petals and dewdrops; she was a constellation waiting to be discovered.

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Written by pragya singh

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