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Quote on health is wealth by mahatma Gandhi

Quote on health is wealth by mahatma Gandhi

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.

Mahatma Gandhi

Quote on health is wealth by mahatma Gandhi

“The Radiance Within”


“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”

In the bustling city of Serenity Springs, where skyscrapers kissed the clouds and time raced like a heartbeat, lived a woman named Lila. Her days were a symphony of deadlines, coffee cups, and fluorescent lights. Yet, beneath her tailored suits and polished shoes, Lila harbored a secret—a longing for something more profound than stock portfolios and bank balances.

The Corporate Labyrinth

Lila worked at Sterling Investments, where fortunes were made and lost with the click of a mouse. The office hummed with ambition, and the air smelled of ambition. Colleagues chased promotions, bonuses, and corner offices. But Lila, with her quiet smile, wondered if there was more to life than balance sheets.

The Wake-Up Call

One crisp autumn morning, Lila collapsed in her office. The doctor’s diagnosis echoed like a distant alarm: “Stress-induced burnout.” Lila’s health had paid the price for her pursuit of wealth. She lay in her hospital bed, staring at the ceiling, pondering the irony. The gold watch on her wrist felt heavy, and the silver cufflinks seemed insignificant.

The Healing Journey

During her recovery, Lila met an old man named Mr. Gupta. His eyes held galaxies of wisdom, and his laughter was a healing balm. Mr. Gupta had retired early, choosing a modest life in the hills over the corporate race. He shared stories of sunrises, chai by the river, and conversations with birds. “Health is the true currency,” he said, “and nature is the bank that never fails.”

The Transformation

Lila returned to the city, but her perspective had shifted. She traded her high heels for hiking boots, her boardroom for forest trails. She breathed in pine-scented air and felt her soul awaken. The quote echoed in her heart: “It is health that is real wealth.” She realized that vitality was her greatest asset, and the mountains held treasures beyond measure.

The Ripple Effect

Lila started a wellness initiative at Sterling Investments. Yoga sessions replaced board meetings, and green smoothies flowed in the cafeteria. Colleagues scoffed, but Lila persisted. She knew that true wealth wasn’t in stock portfolios; it was in the laughter of colleagues during sunrise yoga. The quote adorned her office wall, a silent reminder.

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Written by pragya singh

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