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Quote on health and society by Jiddu Krishnamurti

Quote on health and society by Jiddu Krishnamurti

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Quote on health and society by Jiddu Krishnamurti

Title: “Awakening from the Illusion”


In the heart of a bustling city, where neon signs flicker and souls collide, lived Alex. A conformist by day, a dreamer by night. The quote echoed in Alex’s mind like a distant bell: “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” The words gnawed at the edges of sanity, urging Alex to question the status quo.

The Monotony

Alex’s days followed a predictable rhythm—a symphony of office cubicles, coffee breaks, and polite nods. The city hummed with masked faces, each playing their part in the grand illusion. But Alex’s soul rebelled. The passive voice crept into thoughts, whispering, “This cannot be all there is.”

The Awakening

One moonlit evening, Alex stumbled upon an underground gathering—a clandestine assembly of truth-seekers. Their eyes held fire, their voices raw with defiance. Transition words flowed like a secret code: “Nevertheless,” “however,” “yet.” Alex joined their ranks, hungry for answers.

The Veil Lifts

Within dimly lit rooms, they dissected society’s ailments. The sickly pulse of consumerism, the feverish pursuit of success, the pandemic of indifference—all laid bare. Alex’s heart raced as the quote reverberated: “It is no measure of health…” The meta description crystallized: “Awaken to truth; defy the illusion.”

The Rebellion

Alex penned manifestos, painted graffiti on concrete walls, and danced in protest. The quote echoed through bullhorns, a battle cry against conformity. Alex’s girlfriend, a poet, whispered, “We’re all mad here.” Alex smiled, knowing that madness was the first step toward liberation.

The Breakdown

As society recoiled, Alex’s mental health teetered. The world tilted, revealing its jagged edges. Alex’s own derangement—the refusal to accept the sickly norm—became a badge of honor. The quote adorned banners, etched into skin, a mantra for the revolution.

The New Dawn

In the chaos, Alex found solace. The city trembled, shedding its illusions. The meta description echoed in every heartbeat: “Question. Rebel. Heal.” Alex stood on the precipice, eyes ablaze. The quote, now etched in stone, marked the threshold between sickness and awakening.

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Written by pragya singh

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