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Quote on Good Things by Stephen King

Quote on Good Things by Stephen King

Quote on Good Things by Stephen King

Remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.

Stephen King

“Remember, Hope: A Tale of Enduring Light”


In the quiet town of Everwood, where shadows clung to every corner, lived a woman named Eliza. Her heart carried the weight of lost dreams, yet she clung to a simple truth: “Remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” This mantra guided her through life’s darkest moments.

The Fading Stars

The Abandoned Observatory

Eliza’s father had been an astronomer, and their old observatory stood atop the hill. The telescope, once a beacon of wonder, now gathered dust. Eliza recalled his words: “Hope, my dear, is the North Star of our souls.”

The Celestial Quest

Driven by memories, Eliza climbed the hill one moonlit night. She peered through the telescope, seeking solace among the stars. There, she whispered, “Remember, hope.”

The Broken Bridge

The River’s Divide

Everwood was split by a river, its bridge collapsed years ago. Eliza dreamed of rebuilding it—a symbol of connection. The townspeople scoffed, but she persisted. “Hope bridges gaps,” she declared.

The Unyielding Vision

Eliza gathered volunteers, hammer in hand. They worked tirelessly, laying each plank. When doubts arose, she reminded them: “Remember, hope.” Slowly, the bridge took shape.

The Healing Garden

The Blooming Roses

Eliza tended a neglected garden behind her cottage. She planted roses, whispering encouragement to each bud. “Hope,” she said, “is the root that defies neglect.”

The Miracle Bloom

One frosty morning, a single rose bloomed—a vibrant red against the gray. Eliza wept. “No good thing ever dies,” she murmured, cradling the fragile petals.


Eliza’s legacy echoed through Everwood. The bridge stood strong, uniting hearts. The observatory sparkled anew, stargazers finding hope in constellations. And in her garden, the miracle rose thrived—a testament to enduring light.

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Written by pragya singh

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