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Quote on give out and come back by Robin Sharma

Quote on give out and come back by Robin Sharma

Give out what you most want to come back.

Robin Sharma

Quote on give out and come back by Robin Sharma

Give Out What You Most Want: A Tale of Karma and Kindness


“Give out what you most want to come back.” This timeless wisdom echoed in the hearts of those who understood the delicate dance of life. In a bustling city, where hurried footsteps echoed against concrete walls, lived a woman named Maya. She was a quiet observer, a giver, and a believer in the magic of reciprocity.

The Ripple Effect

Maya’s mornings began with a simple ritual: she brewed a cup of chai and sat by her window, watching the world awaken. She noticed the old fruit vendor, his wrinkled hands arranging oranges with care. His smile, though weary, held warmth. Maya decided to buy an extra orange each day, leaving it anonymously on his cart. The vendor never knew who left the gift, but the universe did.

The Kindness Journal

Maya kept a journal—a sanctuary for her thoughts and acts of kindness. She wrote about the homeless man she shared her umbrella with during a sudden downpour. She penned down the encouraging note she slipped into her colleague’s drawer, lifting his spirits on a tough day. Each entry was a seed planted, waiting for the harvest.

The Law of Attraction

Maya’s life transformed subtly. She found love in unexpected places—a neighbor who offered her freshly baked cookies, a stranger who held the elevator door. She received job opportunities, not through aggressive networking, but through genuine connections. The universe whispered, “Give, and you shall receive.

The Dance of Giving

Maya’s heart expanded. She volunteered at the local shelter, serving warm meals to hungry souls. She mentored a young artist, encouraging her to chase her dreams. So She didn’t seek recognition; she reveled in the secret joy of giving. And the universe, like a cosmic mirror, reflected her kindness back.

The Unexpected Return

One day, as Maya sat in the park, a man approached. His eyes held stories of loss and longing. He spoke of dreams shattered, of love lost. Maya listened, her heart a vessel for his pain. When he left, he whispered, “Thank you for seeing me.” That night, as she closed her eyes, she felt a gentle breeze—the universe’s embrace.

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Written by pragya singh

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