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Quote on failure and trying by Michael Jordan

Quote on failure and trying by Michael Jordan

Quote on failure and trying by Michael Jordan

I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying.

Machael Jordan

Unlocking the Path to Greatness: First, Think. Second, Dream. Third, Believe. And Finally, Dare.


In a bustling city, where ambition and possibility collide, lived a young artist named Maya. Her journey unfolded through four pivotal steps, each echoing the wisdom of an ancient quote: “First, think. Second, dream. Third, believe. And finally, dare.”

1. First, Think

Maya sat by her studio window, gazing at the canvas before her. The blank expanse seemed both daunting and full of promise. She remembered her mentor’s words: “Every stroke begins with a thought.” So, she pondered. What story did she want to tell? What emotions should her art evoke? Thoughts swirled like colors mixing on her palette.

2. Second, Dream

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Maya closed her eyes. In her dreams, she wandered through enchanted forests, danced with celestial beings, and painted galaxies. These visions fueled her creativity. She sketched feverishly, capturing fragments of her nocturnal adventures. Dreams, she realized, were the bridge between imagination and reality.

3. Third, Believe

Doubt crept in. Could her art truly touch hearts? Maya’s fingers trembled as she applied the first brushstroke. But then she remembered her grandmother’s words: “Believe in your magic.” She believed. She believed in the transformative power of her work, in the way it could heal, provoke, and inspire. With each stroke, she infused her belief into the canvas.

4. Finally, Dare

The gallery opening arrived—a moment suspended between fear and exhilaration. Maya’s heart raced as patrons admired her paintings. She clung to the quote like a lifeline. “First, think. Second, dream. Third, believe. And finally, dare.” So, she dared. She approached a renowned curator, introduced herself, and shared her vision. The curator’s eyes widened. “Your art,” he said, “is a symphony of courage.”

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Written by pragya singh

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