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Quote on books are bestfriend by John Green

Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.

John Green

John Green, a celebrated author, once famously remarked on the profound connection between individuals and books. Highlighting their role as steadfast companions throughout life’s journey.

A Source of Comfort:

Books have long been cherished as loyal confidants, offering solace and companionship in times of loneliness or distress. With their captivating narratives and relatable characters, books have the power to transport readers to different worlds. They provides an escape from reality and a refuge from life’s challenges.

A Fountain of Knowledge:

Moreover, books serve as invaluable sources of knowledge and wisdom, offering insights into diverse subjects, cultures, and perspectives. Whether delving into the realms of science, history, philosophy, or literature, books have the ability to expand the mind. They enrich the soul, fostering intellectual growth and curiosity.

A Gateway to Empathy:

One of the most remarkable qualities of books is their capacity to foster empathy and understanding. Through the eyes of fictional characters or the experiences of real-life individuals, readers can gain insights into the human condition, cultivating compassion and empathy for others.

A Catalyst for Growth:

Books also have the power to inspire personal growth and transformation. They can challenge readers to question their beliefs, confront their fears, and embark on journeys of self-discovery. Whether through poignant memoirs, motivational self-help books, or thought-provoking literature, books have the ability to ignite passions, spark creativity, and propel individuals toward their goals.

An Everlasting Friendship:

Unlike fleeting friendships or passing acquaintances, the bond between individuals and books endures across time and space. A well-loved book becomes more than just a collection of words on paper; it becomes a cherished keepsake, imbued with memories, emotions, and meaning. Each page turned is a reminder of the moments shared, the lessons learned, and the connections forged between reader and text.


In essence, John Green’s quote encapsulates the enduring significance of books as cherished companions on life’s journey. Whether seeking solace, knowledge, empathy, or personal growth, books remain steadfast allies, offering guidance, inspiration, and companionship to all who seek them. As Green eloquently reminds us, “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”

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Written by pragya singh

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