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Quote on be kind by Robin Williams

Quote on be kind by Robin Williams

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.

Robin Williams

Quote on be kind by Robin Williams

The Unseen Struggles: A Tale of Kindness


“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.” These words, whispered by the wind and etched into the fabric of humanity, hold profound truth. In the bustling city of Brookhaven, where lives intersect like threads in a tapestry, we encounter three souls—each carrying burdens unseen.

The Weary Commuter

Meet Emily, a weary commuter. Her mornings blend into evenings as she rides the subway, her face lost in a sea of strangers. The passive voice weaves through her thoughts: “The train was crowded,” “The coffee was spilled.” Yet, beneath her tired eyes lies a story—a crumbling marriage, a sick parent, dreams deferred. Transition words guide her steps: “Moreover,” “Furthermore,” “In addition.”

The Overworked Barista

At the corner café, Jake dons his apron. His hands dance with precision, crafting lattes and cappuccinos. Customers rush in, their impatience palpable. But Jake knows their battles—the sleepless nights studying for exams, the heartaches hidden behind forced smiles. “Be kind,” he reminds himself, as he swirls foam into delicate patterns.

The Elderly Widow

Mrs. Lawson, a widow with silver hair, frequents the park bench. Passersby see only wrinkles and solitude. But her memories echo: a love lost in war, children grown and gone, and a heartache that never healed. “Always,” she whispers, feeding breadcrumbs to pigeons. Her meta description, etched in her soul: “Kindness, a balm for unseen wounds.”

The Threads Converge

One rainy afternoon, Emily spills her coffee at Jake’s café. He smiles, wipes the counter, and hands her a fresh cup. Mrs. Lawson watches from her bench, her eyes softening. “Everyone,” she thinks, “is fighting battles.” Their paths intertwine—a tapestry of empathy. The meta description echoes: “Kindness binds hearts.”

The Ripple Effect

Emily, Jake, and Mrs. Lawson become beacons. Emily helps a stranger find their way. Jake offers a free muffin to a stressed student. Mrs. Lawson shares stories with a child, teaching resilience. The quote reverberates: “Be kind, always.” Their acts ripple through Brookhaven, touching lives unseen.


“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.” So, dear reader, as you rush through life’s crowded stations, brew your coffee, or sit on a park bench, remember: kindness is the currency of the soul. Unseen battles rage, but your smile, your small act of compassion, can heal wounds unknown

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Written by pragya singh

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