
Motivational Wallpaper on Endow: Endow your will with such power

Motivational Wallpaper on Endow: Endow your will with such power
Motivational Wallpaper on Endow: Endow your will with such power

Motivational Wallpaper on Endow: Endow your will with such power

Endow your will with such power. That at every turn of fate it so be,

That God Himself asks of His Slave “What is it that pleases thee

Title: “The Will That Echoed Through Eternity”


In the heart of the Himalayas, where snow-capped peaks touch the sky and ancient monasteries cling to cliffs, there lived a sage named Keshava. His eyes held the wisdom of centuries, and his soul resonated with the rhythm of the universe. As the sun dipped behind the mountains, he sat cross-legged on a moss-covered rock, contemplating the profound words: “Endow your will with such power. That at every turn of fate it so be, That God Himself asks of His Slave, ‘What is it that pleases thee?’”

The Whispering Breeze

Keshava’s days were spent in quiet meditation. He listened to the whispering breeze that carried secrets from distant lands. The villagers revered him, seeking solace in his presence. They believed that Keshava’s will was aligned with the cosmic order—a force that even the gods acknowledged.

The Divine Inquiry

One moonlit night, as Keshava gazed at the star-studded sky, a celestial figure appeared before him. It was none other than Lord Indra, the king of gods. His thunderous voice echoed through the valleys: “Keshava, mortal sage, what is it that pleases thee?”

The Sage’s Response

Keshava’s eyes sparkled with ancient knowing. He replied, “Lord Indra, my will is simple yet profound. I seek not riches or fame. Instead, I yearn for clarity—the ability to discern truth from illusion. I wish to understand the purpose behind every twist of fate.”

The Cosmic Bargain

Indra nodded, impressed by Keshava’s humility. “Very well,” he said. “I grant you this boon: Your will shall shape destiny itself. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility.”

The Journey Begins

From that moment, Keshava’s life transformed. He wandered through dense forests, climbed treacherous peaks, and conversed with sages and spirits alike. His will became a beacon, illuminating the path of seekers. Whenever fate wavered, God Himself would appear, asking, “What pleases thee, Keshava?”

The Trials

Keshava faced trials—betrayal, loss, and temptation. Yet, he remained steadfast. In a hidden cave, he encountered a wounded bird. With compassion, he nursed it back to health. The bird revealed itself as Garuda, Vishnu’s mount. “Your kindness pleases me,” Garuda said, and Keshava’s heart swelled with purpose.

The Final Question

As Keshava aged, he climbed the highest peak, where the veil between realms was thin. There, he met Lord Shiva, the cosmic dancer. Shiva asked, “Sage, what pleases thee after a lifetime of seeking?”

The Eternal Answer

Keshava smiled. “To know that my will echoed through eternity,” he replied. “To realize that God Himself listened, not for grand desires, but for the purity of intention.”

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