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Motivational Video: Procrastination

Motivational Video: Procrastination

Motivational Video: Procrastination

One insightful video on overcoming procrastination is titled “The ONLY Way To Stop Procrastinating” by Mel Robbins1. In this video, Mel Robbins shares a simple 4-step strategy to break the habit of procrastination:

Recognize Procrastination as a Habit: Rather than viewing procrastination as a lack of willpower or motivation, understand that it’s a habit triggered by life stress. This shift in perspective can help you approach it more effectively.

Count Backwards from 5 to 1: When you catch yourself hesitating or avoiding a task, count backwards from 5 to 1. This interrupts the procrastination habit and activates your prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making.

Work for Just 5 Minutes: Commit to working on the task you’re avoiding for just 5 minutes. Often, once you start, you’ll find it easier to continue. The initial 5 minutes break the inertia.

Build Momentum: As you work beyond those initial 5 minutes, you’ll likely feel less stressed and more productive. Momentum builds, and you’ll find it easier to stay focused.

Remember, procrastination is not a character flaw, but a learned behavior. By implementing these steps, you can gradually overcome it and lead a more productive, fulfilling life.

Additionally, if you’re interested in more insights on procrastination, consider checking out TED Talks. Here are a couple of recommended talks:

“Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator” by Tim Urban2: Tim humorously explores procrastination, the “Instant Gratification Monkey,” and the importance of pursuing our dreams before time runs out.

“4 Proven Ways to Kick Your Procrastination Habit” by Ayelet Fishbach3: Ayelet discusses motivation science and provides practical tips to reach your goals while staying happy and engaged.

Remember, you’re not alone in this struggle, and there are effective strategies to overcome procrastination. Keep taking small steps toward your goals, and you’ll see progress!

Explain procrastination by Chetan Bhagat

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Written by pragya singh

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