
If It Makes You Happy then no one else opinion should Matter

If It Makes You Happy then no one else opinion should Matter

The Quote

“If it makes you happy, then no one else’s opinion should matter.” This was the guiding principle of Liam, a young artist with a passion for abstract art.

The Beginning

Liam was not a conventional artist. His art was unique, vibrant, and often misunderstood. His dream was to share his art with the world, a goal that seemed challenging due to the criticism he often faced. But Liam believed in his quote. He knew that his happiness was paramount; it was not dependent on others’ opinions.

The Journey

Liam started creating art that truly reflected his spirit. There were critics who didn’t understand his work, but Liam was not deterred. He reminded himself, “If it makes you happy, then no one else’s opinion should matter.” He continued to create art that brought him joy, regardless of the criticism.

The Exhibition

One day, Liam decided to host an art exhibition. It was a bold move, considering the mixed reviews his art often received. But Liam reminded himself, “If it makes you happy, then no one else’s opinion should matter.” He decided to share his happiness with the world.

The Response

On the day of the exhibition, people from all walks of life came to see Liam’s art. Some loved it, some didn’t understand it, but Liam was content. He had shared a part of his soul with the world, and that made him happy.

The Success

Eventually, Liam’s art started gaining recognition. People began to appreciate his unique style and the emotions his art evoked. Liam had proven that success and happiness come from within, not from others’ opinions.


Looking back, Liam realized the truth in his quote. “If it makes you happy, then no one else’s opinion should matter.” It was not just a motivational phrase; it was a testament to his journey and the joy his art brought him.

This story serves as an inspiration for all of us. It reminds us that our happiness should not be dictated by others’ opinions. It’s a testament to the power of self-love and the joy of doing what makes us happy.

What do you think?


Written by Arun Pandit

The administrator and Founder of website & Community.


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