
You can waste your lives drawing lines Or you can live your life crossing them

You can waste your lives drawing lines Or you can live your life crossing them


“You can waste your lives drawing lines Or you can live your life crossing them.” This powerful quote echoed in Sarah’s mind as she stood at the edge of her comfort zone. The safety of her routine had become suffocating, and she yearned for something more.

The Decision

Sarah, a young entrepreneur, had spent years meticulously planning her business. She had drawn countless lines—budgets, marketing strategies, and growth projections. But deep down, she knew that true success lay beyond those boundaries. One day, she made a bold decision: she would step out of her neatly sketched lines and venture into uncharted territory.

The Warehouse

Sarah’s business revolved around warehousing. She managed a small storage facility, but her dreams were grand. She envisioned a state-of-the-art warehouse that would revolutionize logistics. With determination burning in her eyes, she secured investors, hired experts, and began construction.

Breaking Free

As the warehouse walls rose, so did Sarah’s confidence. She pushed herself to learn new skills, network with industry leaders, and embrace change. The lines of fear and doubt blurred as she crossed them, one by one. Her business thrived, and the once-drawn boundaries faded into insignificance.


Sarah’s life became a testament to the quote that had ignited her spirit. She no longer wasted time drawing lines; instead, she reveled in the exhilaration of crossing them. As the sun set on her thriving warehouse, she whispered, “You can waste your lives drawing lines Or you can live your life crossing them”

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Written by Arun Pandit

The administrator and Founder of website & Community.


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