
Stop Wishing Start Doing

Stop Wishing Start Doing

The Quote

“Stop wishing, start doing.” This was the mantra of Jake, a young man with a dream of becoming a writer.

The Beginning

Jake was not a published author. He was an ordinary man with an extraordinary passion for storytelling. His dream was to write a novel, a goal that seemed challenging due to his fear of rejection. But Jake believed in his quote. He knew that success was a result of action, not just wishful thinking.

The Journey

Jake started writing, dedicating a few hours each day to his novel. There were doubts and fears, but Jake was not deterred. He reminded himself, “Stop wishing, start doing.” He focused on his actions, not just his dreams.

The First Draft

One day, Jake completed the first draft of his novel. It was a big step, considering his fear of rejection. But Jake reminded himself, “Stop wishing, start doing.” He decided to embrace his accomplishment, regardless of his fears.

The Submission

Jake started submitting his novel to publishers. He faced rejections, but Jake saw them as opportunities for improvement. He remembered his quote and drew strength from it. Kept improving his novel, focusing on his actions.

The Success

Eventually, Jake’s novel was accepted by a publisher. He had overcome his fears and his novel was now going to be published. Jake had proven that success comes from doing, not just wishing.


Looking back, Jake realized the truth in his quote. “Stop wishing, start doing.” It was not just a motivational phrase; it was a testament to his journey and the success he had achieved.

This story serves as an inspiration for all of us. It reminds us that we should focus on our actions, not just our dreams. It’s a testament to the power of taking action and turning dreams into reality.

What do you think?


Written by Arun Pandit

The administrator and Founder of website & Community.


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