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Quote on time by Mother Teresa

Quote on time by Mother Teresa

Quote on time by Mother Teresa

Yesterday is gone.

Tomorrow has not yet come.

We have only today.

Let us begin.

– Mother Teresa

Seizing the Present: Carpe Diem


“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” These timeless words, attributed to the compassionate Mother Teresa, echo across generations. In a world where clocks tick relentlessly, she invites us to embrace the present—a canvas where we wield the brush of intentionality.

The Weight of the Past

Many dwell in the shadows of yesterday, burdened by regrets and missed opportunities. But the past, like a fleeting dream, slips through our fingers. It cannot be rewritten, only learned from. Instead of lamenting what was, let us glean wisdom and move forward.

The Mirage of Tomorrow

Tomorrow—the elusive horizon—beckons with promises and uncertainties. Yet, it remains veiled. We cannot grasp its contours or predict its hues. So, why squander today’s canvas in futile anticipation? Let us release the grip on the future and focus on the masterpiece unfolding now.

The Art of Carpe Diem

  1. Present Awareness: Like dew-kissed petals, moments bloom and fade. Be present. Savor the aroma of morning coffee, the laughter of loved ones, and the touch of sunlight on skin. Each breath is a brushstroke.
  2. Purposeful Action: Carpe diem—seize the day. Set intentions. Write that novel, plant that tree, mend that relationship. The mundane becomes extraordinary when infused with purpose.
  3. Gratitude: Grasp life’s gifts. The air you breathe, the taste of strawberries, the warmth of a hug—they compose your canvas. Be thankful. Gratitude colors existence.

The Symphony of Now

Imagine a symphony—the crescendo of birdsong, the rustle of leaves, the beat of your heart. This is your score. Play it with gusto. Let love, compassion, and courage resonate. For today is your instrument, and the world awaits your melody.

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Written by pragya singh

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