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Quote on thinking by Eric Butterworth

Quote on thinking by Eric Butterworth

Quote on thinking by Eric Butterworth

We don’t change what we are, we change what we think what we are. – Eric Butterworth

Embracing Transformation: How Our Perception Shapes Reality


“We don’t change what we are, we change what we think what we are.” This profound quote by an anonymous sage encapsulates the essence of our journey—a voyage not of physical metamorphosis, but of inner transformation.

The Comfort of Familiarity

In the quaint village of Everwood, nestled amidst ancient oaks and whispering brooks, lived a young woman named Lila. She was known for her unwavering routines—the same path to the market, the same conversations with neighbors, and the same worn-out chair by the hearth. Lila believed that her identity was fixed, etched in stone like the village well.

The Arrival of the Enigmatic Sage

One misty morning, an enigmatic sage named Arion arrived in Everwood. His eyes held secrets, and his words carried the weight of centuries. Arion challenged the villagers’ perceptions, urging them to question their beliefs. His presence stirred something within Lila—a dormant curiosity.

The Mirror of Reflection

Arion gifted Lila a small mirror—an ordinary-looking glass that held extraordinary power. “Look beyond your reflection,” he whispered. Lila hesitated, then gazed into the mirror. Instead of her own face, she saw glimpses of alternate lives—bold choices, unexplored paths, and hidden talents. The mirror revealed not what she was, but what she could become.

Shattering Illusions

Lila’s mind churned. Could she break free from her self-imposed limitations? She pondered the quote: “We don’t change what we are…” Was it true? Or was it merely a veil obscuring her potential? Arion’s words echoed: “Change what you think what you are.”

The Journey Within

Lila embarked on an inner odyssey. She questioned her routines, challenged her fears, and embraced discomfort. The mirror guided her—each reflection a possibility. She learned that transformation wasn’t about altering her physical form; it was about reshaping her perception.

The Whispering Brook

By the babbling brook, Lila met an old woman named Elowen. Elowen had once been a renowned painter, but fear had silenced her brush. “We don’t change what we are,” Elowen said, “but we can change how we express it.” Lila understood—the essence remained, but the vessel could evolve.

The Dance of Shadows

In the moonlit glade, Lila encountered a troupe of dancers. Their movements defied gravity, their bodies fluid and ethereal. “We don’t change what we are,” the lead dancer murmured, “but we can change our rhythm.” Lila joined the dance, shedding rigidity for grace.

The Final Revelation

At the village square, Lila faced the mirror once more. Her reflection shimmered—a kaleidoscope of possibilities. Arion appeared. “You’ve glimpsed truth,” he said. “We are both fixed and malleable. Change your perception, and reality follows.”

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Written by pragya singh

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