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Quote on self love by Dolly Parton

Quote on self love by Dolly Parton

Quote on self love by Dolly Parton

I way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

Dolly Parton

Title: “Rainbows of Resilience”


“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”

In the quaint village of Evergreen, where mist-kissed hills met azure skies, lived a spirited gardener named Lily. Her hands, calloused from tending to fragile blooms, held a secret—the alchemy of turning raindrops into rainbows.

Nurturing the Soil

Lily’s garden was her sanctuary. She planted seeds with hope, watered them with patience, and whispered encouragement to the tender shoots. When storms brewed, she stood steadfast, her umbrella a shield against adversity. The villagers marveled at her resilience—the way she embraced rain as a promise of color.

The Gray Days

One gloomy morning, Lily’s prized rosebush withered. Its petals drooped, mirroring her own heartache. She sat by its side, tears blending with raindrops. But then she remembered the quote—the truth that rain was the prerequisite for rainbows. She vowed to nurture her garden through every tempest.

The Spectrum of Struggle

Lily’s Meta description, succinct and evocative, echoed her journey:

“From rain-soaked roots to kaleidoscope blooms—Lily’s resilience paints life’s canvas. Embrace storms; they birth rainbows.”

The Miracle of Transformation

As seasons danced, Lily’s garden transformed. Sunflowers stood tall, their golden faces tracing the sun’s path. Irises flaunted hues that defied gray skies. And when rainbows arched across the horizon, Lily knew—they were her reward for enduring the downpours.


Lily became the village’s living metaphor—a testament to courage. She taught them that setbacks were brushstrokes, adversity a palette. And so, they too learned to weather life’s storms, knowing that behind every raindrop lay the promise of a rainbow.

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Written by pragya singh

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