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Quote on normality by Vincent Van Gogh

Quote on normality by Vincent Van Gogh

Normality is a paved road: it’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow.

Vincent Van Gogh

Quote on normality by Vincent Van Gogh

Title: “Blossoms Beyond the Pavement”


“Normality is a paved road: it’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow.”

In the quaint village of Meadowbrook, where picket fences lined the streets and routines hummed like clockwork, lived a young woman named Lily. Her days followed the well-worn path—work, chores, and polite conversations at the corner café. But Lily craved more. She yearned for the wildflowers that dared to bloom beyond the pavement.

The Monotonous Routine

The Morning Commute

Lily’s alarm buzzed at 7 a.m., pulling her from dreams of sun-kissed meadows. She slipped into her sensible shoes, joining the stream of commuters on the familiar sidewalk. “Normality is a paved road,” she thought, “but where are the blossoms?”

The Office Cubicle

At her desk, Lily stared at spreadsheets—their rows and columns like neatly aligned bricks. Her colleagues chatted about weekend plans, while she wondered about the untrodden paths. “No flowers grow here,” she whispered, her fingers itching for something more vibrant.

The Hidden Garden

The Mysterious Gate

One evening, Lily noticed an old iron gate at the end of her street. It stood slightly ajar, revealing a glimpse of overgrown greenery beyond. Curiosity tugged at her heart. “What lies behind?” she wondered. “Can I find flowers there?”

The Uncharted Path

Lily pushed the gate open. The air smelled of earth and possibility. She stepped onto a narrow trail—the ground uneven, the grass tickling her ankles. Birds sang secrets, and sunlight filtered through leaves. “Normality,” she mused, “is a well-paved road. But this…this is where magic begins.”

The Blooming Journey

The Wildflower Symphony

Lily explored—past moss-covered stones, under arching branches. She discovered forget-me-nots, their azure petals like whispered promises. Butterflies danced around her, celebrating her escape from the mundane. “No more comfort zones,” she vowed. “I’ll let my soul bloom.”

The Transformation

Days turned into weeks. Lily’s cheeks flushed with sun-kisses, and her heart swelled with wonder. She painted landscapes in her mind, capturing every shade of green. “Normality,” she realized, “is a canvas waiting for our brushstrokes.”


Lily returned to the village, her spirit ablaze. She shared her secret garden with anyone who would listen. The quote echoed in her laughter: “Normality is a paved road: it’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow.” Lily had chosen the wild, the extraordinary—the path where daisies danced and daffodils whispered dreams.

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Written by pragya singh

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