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Quote on life by Sushmita Sen

Quote on life by Sushmita Sen

Quote on life by Sushmita Sen

I have this very simple logic about life that it should not be taken too seriously.

Sushmita Sen

Title: “Life Unburdened: A Simple Logic”


“I have this very simple logic about life that it should not be taken too seriously.” This profound statement, uttered by an anonymous sage, resonates with timeless wisdom. In a world often fraught with complexity and chaos, embracing this philosophy can lead to liberation and joy.

The Journey Begins

Life unfolds like an intricate tapestry, woven with threads of joy, sorrow, and uncertainty. Our existence, a fleeting dance across the cosmic stage, invites reflection. Let us explore this simple yet profound logic through the lens of experience.

The Weight of Seriousness

The Burden We Carry

From childhood, we are taught to shoulder the weight of expectations. Society molds us into responsible beings, urging us to chase success, accumulate possessions, and conform to norms. But what if we paused to question this burden? What if we dared to lighten our load?

The Liberation of Laughter

Imagine a world where laughter echoes through the corridors of our hearts. When we release the grip of seriousness, we discover the healing power of mirth. Laughter dissolves barriers, connects souls, and reminds us that life need not be a grim march toward an unknown destination.

Embracing Simplicity

The Dance of Dandelions

In a sun-kissed meadow, dandelions sway. Their delicate seeds ride the breeze, carried to distant lands. These unassuming flowers teach us resilience—the ability to bloom even in adversity. Their simplicity defies the chaos of existence.

The Wisdom of Children

Observe a child at play—their laughter, curiosity, and boundless wonder. They grasp life’s essence effortlessly. Their logic is unencumbered by adult complexities. Perhaps therein lies the secret: to reclaim our childlike spirit, to view life through innocent eyes.

The Art of Not Taking Seriously

The Feather’s Flight

Picture a feather drifting downward. It dances with grace, unburdened by purpose or destination. Can we emulate its lightness? Can we embrace life’s uncertainties without fear? The feather whispers, “Let go, and you will soar.”

The Symphony of Transition Words

Within our narrative, transition words weave coherence. Like stepping stones across a babbling brook, they guide us from one thought to another. “Moreover,” “however,” and “thus” create bridges, inviting readers to explore deeper realms.


In the grand theater of existence, we play our roles. Yet, let us remember the sage’s wisdom: “Life should not be taken too seriously.” As we tread this ephemeral path, may laughter be our compass, simplicity our guide, and transition words our harmonious refrain.

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Written by pragya singh

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