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Quote on Knowledge is power by Kofi Annan

Quote on Knowledge is power by Kofi Annan

Knowledge is Power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.

Kofi Annan

Quote on Knowledge is power by Kofi Annan

Knowledge Is Power: Illuminating the Path of Progress


In the heart of a bustling city, young Maya sat cross-legged on the library floor, surrounded by towering shelves of books. Her father’s words echoed in her mind: “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.” These words became her guiding light.

The Hidden Scrolls

Maya discovered an ancient scroll tucked away in a dusty corner. Its faded ink revealed secrets—mathematics, philosophy, and the wonders of distant lands. She traced the elegant curves of each character, feeling the weight of centuries of wisdom. The scroll whispered, “Education is the key to unlocking minds.”

The Scholar’s Journey

Driven by curiosity, Maya enrolled in the city’s prestigious academy. Her days blurred into nights as she delved into literature, science, and art. She learned that education was not merely about facts; it was about critical thinking, empathy, and shaping a better world.

The Library of Dreams

Maya’s favorite spot was the library rooftop. There, under a star-studded sky, she pondered the universe. The quote echoed: “Information is liberating.” She imagined knowledge as wings, lifting her beyond earthly constraints. She dreamed of sharing this gift with others.

The Classroom Revolution

Maya became a teacher, igniting young minds with passion. She encouraged questions, debates, and exploration. Her students learned that education was not a burden but a beacon. The quote adorned her classroom wall, inspiring generations: “Education is the premise of progress.”

The Ripple Effect

Beyond the classroom, Maya organized community workshops. She taught adults to read, bridging gaps of ignorance. The quote resounded in their hearts: “Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope.” Maya witnessed transformed lives—one book, one lesson at a time.

The Grand Assembly

Maya stood before a global audience, representing educators worldwide. Her voice trembled as she recited the quote: “Knowledge is power.” The room hushed. She continued, “Information is liberating.” Applause erupted. Maya knew education was the cornerstone of change.

The Legacy

As years passed, Maya’s hair turned silver, but her spirit remained aflame. She wrote books, delivered TED talks, and mentored aspiring teachers. The quote echoed through her life: “Education is a human right with immense power to transform.”


In the quiet of her study, Maya penned her memoirs. The meta description crystallized her journey: “Knowledge empowers. Information liberates. Education fuels progress.” And so, Maya’s legacy lived on, a testament to the enduring truth: Education lights the path toward a brighter future. 

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