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Quote on detractors and achiever by Priyanka Chopra

Quote on detractors and achiever by Priyanka Chopra

The best way to shut down detractors is by being an achiever.

Priyanka Chopra

Quote on detractors and achiever by Priyanka Chopra

Rising Above Detractors: The Achiever’s Journey


“The best way to shut down detractors is by being an achiever.” – Unknown

In a world where criticism often echoes louder than applause, true achievers forge their path. Detractors lurk in the shadows, ready to undermine dreams and dampen spirits. But those who rise above adversity know that actions speak louder than words. Let us explore how the pursuit of excellence can silence the naysayers.

The Detractor’s Whisper

The Art of Resilience

Detractors thrive on doubt. Their whispers echo through our minds, questioning our abilities. Yet, achievers understand that resilience is their armor. They channel negativity into fuel, propelling themselves forward.

The Silent Response

Achievers don’t engage in verbal battles. Instead, they let their accomplishments speak. When faced with criticism, they work harder, achieve more, and let success be their retort. The detractors fade into insignificance against the brilliance of achievement.

The Journey of Triumph

Climbing the Ladder

Every step toward success is a rung on the ladder. Achievers climb steadily, ignoring the noise below. They focus on their goals, knowing that detractors cannot halt their ascent. With each achievement, they silence the doubters.

The Power of Persistence

Detractors underestimate the power of persistence. Achievers keep moving forward, even when the path is steep. They turn setbacks into stepping stones, proving that relentless effort conquers all. The detractors’ voices fade as achievements accumulate.

The Legacy of Achievement

Leaving a Mark

Achievers don’t seek validation; they seek impact. Their legacy is etched in deeds, not words. As they build bridges, create art, or innovate, detractors become mere echoes. The achiever’s story reverberates through time.


“The best way to shut down detractors is by being an achiever.” In this truth lies the secret to silencing negativity. So, let us embrace our inner achiever, rise above the noise, and let our accomplishments echo louder than any critic’s whisper.

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Written by pragya singh

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