
Life : Life is Beautiful Struggle

Motivational wallpaper on Life: Life is Beautiful Struggle
Motivational wallpaper on Life: Life is Beautiful Struggle

Motivational wallpaper on Life: Quote on Life

The Beauty in Struggle

I am 26 years of age, a B.Com graduate though I have never attended any college lectures. I used to work when my friends were in college
and partying?.  My college fee was paid by a trust which was there to help less fortunate people like me. I started as a sales boy in a
readymade garments shop when I was 18. My first salary was 1600 for a month as far as I remember. After working as a sales boy for an year I joined as an office boy in Chartered Accountant firm where I used to fill forms, draft letters, sometimes wipe floor.

Embracing the Journey

The CA office
knowledge made me a part time accountant, I took two three jobs as  part time accountant. I used to work from morning 9 am to 9 pm earning  5-6 K for a month. Today am working  with an US based MNC with a package of 4 lacs per annum which is not something big for most of you out there but it’s fine for someone like me. I am also pursuing SAP certification which I shall clear in coming few months. I took me nice  7-8 years to reach where I am today and I know I am nowhere today if we compare to others.

This whole journey was not as easy as it sounds. Coming from a respectable family with billionaire relatives and cousins all around
it was a bit difficult to accept all this. Sometimes I slept off  hungry; I walked for hours and hours to appear for an interview which
was supposed to get me a job of 6-7K per month. I could not buy clothes for years and years, borrowed clothes from cousins to look
presentable in the interviews. I spent one whole year having food just for lunch and milk for dinner to save some money so that I could
support my parents.

I have never given up, I will never give up. I won’t stop till I die

The author has requested not to share his personal details .

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Written by Arun Pandit

The administrator and Founder of website & Community.


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