
Inspirational Poem in Hindi: Nishkriyata by Rajiv Krishna Saxena

Inspirational Poem in Hindi: Nishkriyata written by Rajiv Krishna Saxena
Inspirational Poem in Hindi: Nishkriyata written by Rajiv Krishna Saxena

Download Inspirational Poem in Hindi: Nishkriyata

Inspirational Poem in Hindi: Nishkriyata

Youth has so many dreams and aspirations… Life however takes its own course and age marches menacingly on us every moment. As we hit middle age, dreams remain unfulfilled even as dwindling courage forces us to bury those dreams and ideologies in the deep gorge of inaction… Rajiv Krishna Saxena 

“Nishkriyata” (Inactivity), a poem by Rajiv Krishna Saxena, serves as a powerful medium of inspiration and awareness. This poem encourages us to abandon our inactivity and embrace a proactive approach to life. Saxena’s writing possesses a unique strength that directly touches the heart and compels us to engage in self-reflection.

Essence of the Poem

In “Nishkriyata,” the poet presents the realities of life and the complexities of human nature in simple language. The poem sheds light on how inactivity makes life meaningless and leads us away from our purpose. Saxena’s message is clear: to stay aware of life and remain persistent in our efforts.

Analysis of Key Lines

Some key lines from the poem are as follows: “Why are you stuck like this, Chained in the shackles of laziness, Get up and move now, To make your dreams come true.”

In these lines, the poet describes inactivity as a form of imprisonment. He urges us to break free from laziness and strive to realize our dreams.

“Every moment of life, Is extremely valuable, Do not waste it, Make good use of it.”

Here, the poet emphasizes the importance of time. He inspires us to understand the value of every moment in life and utilize it wisely.


Rajiv Krishna Saxena’s “Nishkriyata” motivates us to take a step towards introspection and awareness. This poem is not just a beautiful combination of words but also a profound message that encourages us to remain active and alert. Saxena’s work is especially relevant in today’s times, reminding us all of the need for dedication and proactive engagement in our lives.

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